Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Potus, Inauguration part III

“Yes, thanks.  Well.  Dear My Fellow Americans,” he began and there was some laughter behind him.  He looked over his shoulder, smoothed his paper notes again, and continued.
“I am greatly honoured to fulfil this position you have bestowed upon me.  The Office of the President of the United States is an unbroken chain of command extending back nearly three centuries.  The Office is greater than any single man who occupies it.  I commend and encourage you to commend the former occupant and thank him for his service to our great country.
“The Office of the President is the source of a great deal of power in the world today.  The United States is the greatest nation on earth and will continue to be so for a long time.  Upon taking this oath, I have accepted a great responsibility to continue the greatness of this Office and our beloved country.  Our nation is currently at the greatest levels of prosperity and health in recent history.  We are currently free of all war conflicts in the world and our economy is the strongest it has been since before smart phones were invented.
“Now, however, we are presented with a new challenge.  The challenge is to continue this era of peace and prosperity without really fucking things up whoops…” Potus stopped suddenly and wiped his mouth with the back of his gloved hand.  He was panicked.  The teleprompter scrolled up:
“That is, how do we keep the whole ball of wax moving carefully and slowly?  I mean, we are in peace and prosperity right now, so how do we keep that up?”  Potus was scanning his notes but the letters were just a jumbled mess of scratches that refused to join to form words.  He took a deep breath.
“Let’s say, for example, that we’re in the kitchen.  We are cooking a great meal.  Now Aunt Martha comes in and asks us to cook some cabbage stew.  Well, Martha is sweet and we want her to contribute, but her cabbage stew smells horrible.  Horrible!  So how do you tell her that we have everything under control and we do not need more input on how to run things?  That’s the question posed to us today.  How do we keep Martha out of the kitchen and in the living room where she belongs?
“There is a place for everyone in this great country of ours.  And we need more great Americans to step up and fill crucial roles to fill in the gaps that our nation faces.  Our nation faces challenges in science, literature, education and infrastructure.  The Constitution does not tell us what to do about any of these challenges.  We cannot simply look in a book somewhere to find out how to fix our failing schools and crumbling roads.  Who among us is going to pick up a shovel and start digging asphalt?
“Do you know that in some cities we have workers who go on strike and say that corporate America is screwing them?  Do you remember during the great economic crisis of the early century that people stood around with signs and fought the police?  We cannot put up with this behaviour anymore.  If you do not want to work, how about we fire your ass and you are sent home?  If you don’t want to work for your slice of American pie, maybe you should stay home and complain on the Internet.
“It’s time for those who want to participate in this great country to get down to the business of doing it.  We are a great nation of doers.  We are action-biased.  The word ‘Can’ is the last sound you hear when someone calls our country’s great name.  We are americ-CANs, not ameri-CAN’Ts.  The whole world is afraid of us because we get out there in the middle of the mess and we put our shoulders too the wheel and we do things.  Do they like us?  No, they do not, because they are jealous of our doing.
“It’s easy to be upset at America when you are living in some hell-hole like Uzbekistan.  Where the fuck is that anyway?  Anything with a “Stan” in the name is suspect.  We are the “Can” nation and they are the “Stan” nations.  We will defend our way of life and keep our country running strong for years to come while they try to figure out basics like electricity and cars.
“These foreign countries want us to pay for all the carbon and excess that we supposedly create but this is the basis for our advanced civilisation.  We will not give in easily to their demands for a clean environment and a reversal of global warming.  If it is too hot in the hell-hole you live in, try moving to the great country of Canada to the north.  They also have some open space available in Siberia.  You will be welcome in those places and you can wait for the planet’s temperature to rise enough for you to enjoy living in those frigid wastelands.
“So, my fellow Americans, if you are seldom saying discouraging words; if you long for the freedom of the deer and the antelope; if you look up at the bright sun through cloudless skies, unlike this frozen tundra here in the Capital, then will you join me in the continued strength of this great nation?  God bless you, and God bless America!”

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