Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Potus, Introductions part I

February 1
Meanwhile, somewhere in the Oval Office Potus and a few officials were posing for photographs.  Chief of Staff, madam Secretary of State and Secretary of Defence were standing to one side, beaming.
When the last of the photographs were taken, CoS moved forward to speak with Potus.  “Sir, you made a great speech during your inauguration.  All the news outlets are saying it was electrifying!”
“Thank you,” Potus said.  He started digging through the drawers.  “What is all this stuff,” he wondered aloud, pulling out a 1950’s era tape recorder reel.
A staffer came forward and took the reel, muttering something.
“And what does this phone do?” Potus asked, pointing.
Secretary of Defence made a hasty motion.  “Don’t touch that sir.  It’s just for show.”
“Why not?  What will happen?”
“Well, I don’t know Sir.  But you shouldn’t touch it.”
“Like this?” Potus asked, touching.  Everyone stepped back instinctively.
“Sir, really, it’s just for show.  Ignore it,” said SoD.
“Hello?” asked Potus, picking up the phone.
SoD looked like he was going to faint and pulled a white kerchief out of his pocket to wipe his brow.
“No, we don’t want any,” Potus said and winked slyly.  “What’s that?  No, I’m not the head of the household.  Good day, sir!”  Potus slammed the phone down so hard a bell rang somewhere inside.
CoS looked shocked and SoS was scribbling in her notebook.

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