Thursday, September 27, 2012

Potus, press conference, part III

[earlier at the press conference]
"The Office is more important than the man," Potus answered.
"Without the man, the Office is empty," said the reporter.
"Without the Office, the man is empty," Potus snapped back.
There was a long pause.  "It's very complicated," Potus said.
[after the shoe incident]
"Varsity volleyball, Sir," said Johnson.
"You believe that guy?" said Potus calming down as they hurried down a long hallway.  "You can't throw a shoe at an office."
"I think he threw it at a man," said Johnson.
"Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down," Potus sang under just breath.
"I'm sorry, Sir?" asked Johnson.
"Never mind, you'll just be Rick-rolled," said Potus.  "I sing songs when I'm nervous.  Where are we going, anyway?"
"Sir, we're on an evacuation plan enroute to the infirmary to check on you," answered Johnson, holding open a door for Potus.  Two more agents stood on the other side.
"I'm fine," said Potus.  "Can we visit the Secretary of State while we're there?"
"Yes, Sir, she's fine and you'll be able to talk to her," Johnson said as the entered the infirmary.
Potus saw an exam table and hopped up to sit on the edge of it, legs dangling.   The door opened and two agents led the First Lady in.  She was visibly upset and rushed to Potus.
"Oh my God," she exclaimed.  "Are you ok, let me check your head."
Potus tilted his head away.  "I'm fine," he said.  "You should see the other guy.  I nailed him, mano-a-mano with his own shoe."
"I saw it on the TV.   I don't think you hit him," she said doubtfully.
"Tell her, Johnson," said Potus proudly.
Johnson shook his head.
The First Lady shoved Potus' shoulder.  "You and your stories.  Always trying to be a bigger man.  Speaking of which, you need more potassium and fibre.  I'm going to tell the doctor and the chef to get you more vitamins and minerals."
"Aw," complained Potus.
"After this we can go upstairs," said the First Lady.  "I want to show you the drapes."

1 comment:

  1. You can giving really nice conversation about conferencing between boss and press. That was really useful information for all. Thanks for sharing a great tips about press conference.


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