Monday, November 5, 2012

Potus, the end

Potus mopped his brow with a handkerchief under the hot lights.  He turned and walked down the Center Hall followed by the Chief of Staff and Johnson.
Potus looked out the windows at the crowds behind the iron fence in the distance.  Potus asked, "What are they protesting?"
The Chief of Staff answered, "They are paying their condolences for the British Prime Minister and expressing outrage at the papparazi."
Potus snorted.  "Goddamned fools," he said.  Potus turned to the Chief of Staff and asked, "What have we learned so far?"
Chief of Staff shrugged.  "I don't know, Sir," he said.
Potus laughed.  "The victory is God's.  The battle is ours.  Wait, let me rephrase that.  The victory is ours.  Not these chumps," he said jerking his thumb over his shoulder.
"Yes Sir, genius Sir," said the Chief of Staff.  He saluted stiffly and turned on his heel to leave.
Johnson and Potus walked down the hall and through the guard post outside the bedroom.  The stopped together and stood just inside the door in the bedroom.
Potus sighed.  "The victory is ours," he repeated.

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