Monday, May 6, 2013


We learned about the Meyers Briggs formulary and iNtuition from a certified INTJ. Now we will move onto Thinking (as opposed to Feeling). Thinking is probably easy to understand, unlike the N/S dimension. Thinking involves using symbols, logic, models, and concepts when viewing the world around us. This would be as opposed to using emotions or feelings when viewing the world.

As a Thinker, I approach problems very clinically. I calculate weights, values; decide on constraints and view resources. I "discuss" problems with internal dialogue. I make mental models or apply abstract theories to physical objects and even people. I don't see a seesaw on the playground, I see fulcrums and end points. A feeling person may (I don't know for sure, I just imagine) see a happy place to play. I don't see happy children playing in the yard, I see moving bodies gaining stamina, learning balance, and I see spots where dangerous leverage or sharp objects are located.

As a hard-core thinker, I am not interested nor do I value any feelings that may arise. I'm very likely to say, "This is best. Deal with it." I am likely to say, "You should chose this because it makes sense." I am not likely to say, "Follow your feelings," or "Do what you think family/friends/society tells you," or "What makes you happy?"

I am only concerned with measurements, numerical values, information, and concepts. I don't care what looks long or short, I want to check with a ruler. I don't care about what arrangement or design is made, I want to know how many of this, how much of that, and maybe if it is important, the order. I don't care about what an object looks like or feels, I want to know why the shape, the weight or the composition matters.

I am generally not influenced by design in the Isaac Mizrahi vein. I don't care how it looks, I want to know how it functions. I don't care how I (or others) feel about something, I want to know how it works or what it does. I am baffled by skorts (why the flaps around perfectly functioning shorts?), I am baffled by ceiling moulding (useless), and I can't understand the use of small talk.

This seems like a head-in-the-clouds, visionary description of the world. It seems like an iNtuitive Thinker should walk around mesmerised by the clouds and staring at ants all day. But this is all tempered by the J which will be discussed next.

1 comment:

  1. You're thinking of skorts backwards. Skorts are skirts with a convenient way to hide your lady biz if one is inclined to wallow around. (I should get a skort.)

    I can see you as an INTJ. I am an ENFP (don't tell anyone, whole internet!)


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